Our Purpose & Mission


Fox Capital started with one goal in mind: to make home ownership accessible and affordable for working families nationwide.

  • The greatest barrier to economic and financial stability for most working Americans is home ownership.

    Due to increasingly high mortgage loan requirements, many middle and low class families are trapped in housing poverty. Unable to build equity, improve their credit, or save for a deposit on their first home. They’re instead forced to pay outrageous rent rates.

    The lack of easily accessible options to purchase a home creates undue stress on families and communities. Parents are often forced to move property to property, relocating their children in the process each time. This results in a nightmare cycle of never building equity and constantly racing against the clock to keep up with HIGH rent payments.

    Estimates demonstrate a potential shortfall of at least 7.2 million homes in America, and millions of renters are now being categorized as ‘rent-burdened’.

  • Due to the large volume of distressed real estate on the market we are able to acquire homes at an affordable rate to fill the high demand from a mass of buyers.

    We acquire distressed properties and renovate them to make them the ideal living environment for prospective homeowners. Through our strategic home owner program we allow working families to put down solid roots, accrue wealth, and build credit.

  • We’re the experts in our field. It is our mission to make housing affordable and easily accessible to everyone. Your investments with us help us strengthen communities nationwide and provide opportunities for families struggling to escape the rent trap.